Double Damage - Teenage Eating Disorders And Substance Abuse
A seventy-three-page report, published by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University revealed that half of those who suffer from eating disorders also abuse alcohol and illegal drugs. The study, which is aptly entitled Food for Thought: Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders, the first research facility of its kind, aims at a significant correlation between eating disorders and substance to be found, was> Abuse.
Eating disorders gaining grounds as a common problem among young people today. Ranging from teen bulimia, anorexia in teen to teen obesity, these diseases are increasingly affecting the health of young people and over-all wellbeing. Although some of these diseases result from hormonal imbalance, some products are associated with mental disorders with depression, anxiety and low self-esteem esteem. Some of these diseases can cause serious health problems that need to teenagersLong-term treatment.
Compounding damage that is done through weight problems of alcohol and drug abuse. Referring to the above findings of the study, up to thirty-five percent of alcoholics or drug abusers also have eating disorders. This is an important statistic that should concern us. With the already adverse health effects that eating disorders can lead, has consequences caused by alcoholism and drug abuse, is therefore considerablydestructive.
Some of the risk factors of these disorders are unhealthy dual-peer norms and social pressure. With the way people see and are packaged by the media, young people often push themselves to the limits, which are often misled about eating disorders. The vulnerability to news from advertising and entertainment media was also known that adverse effects on the minds of young people. Unhealthy parental behaviors in conjunction with an ongoing battle againstDepression and anxiety is also a factor that could be held responsible.
When are overlooked or ignored, these problems could be life threatening for young people. Young people can be socially isolated, difficult to handle and show self-destructive characters, such as self harm and possibly even suicide. You could suffer short-or long-term effects such as chronic diseases with high relapse as a result of this long and untreated disorders.
Dual disorders in adolescents serious problems thatfull attention today. It is very important not to overlook the significant link between eating disorders and drug abuse, so treatment options can co-existing in the solution of these conditions are matched.
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