The pressure and drugs
Although it may seem that the drug is under control, every day that someone attempts to drugs for the first time, and dependence. If we want that drugs are bad for us, so why take more and more involved to insist on them? One can not overestimate the importance of speaking on behalf of parents with children. The problem with today's children and young people is that many parents work full time. We no longer live in a world where only one parent assigns work in the morning.Rather, we must now work with both parents (sometimes against two full-time equivalents). So if this is the case, which focuses on children? Exactly.
It begins innocently. A child or teen is hanging out with friends at someone's home or after school, when suddenly someone pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Not long before the cigarette, and all trains were given. But the question remains: "Why try to children the need for drugs or alcohol?"Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that often the children see their parents doing things that I do not drink or smoke in front of them.
Another type of situation that many young people are, where the decision to drugs or alcohol to cope with the parties. It 'really the responsibility of parents (not school) to sit with their children and talk face to face the dangers of drugs and, therefore,Drinking alcohol. There is a reason why the age limit when you are legally allowed to buy cigarettes and alcohol. But despite this fact, children are still gaps and opportunities surrounding it. For some, this rebellion against the foster parents are catastrophic setbacks. Every year, kids with drugs. Some join gangs, drugs, and others a lesson even more difficult to overdose accidental cause premature death.
Schools have tried tothe initiative against drug use among young people, compulsory courses on the dangers of drug use, but the problem remains to compensate. Ultimately, the only thing that appears is the use of drugs and alcohol early intervention to stop the parents and children, but not enough to talk about abuse, inform them of the dangers of drugs and alcohol behind. Finally, at some point in the life of a child if the parents say they will not nearly as manyWeight. If we can help a child to know not only offered the difference between good and evil, but also contribute to confidence and strength of character of drugs and alcohol, to deny, if not real progress. Until then, all we can do is to remain a shining example of how to behave in a mature adult, and expect the best.
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