Marijuana Side Effects - Side Effects of Marijuana Abuse & How to Overcome Weed Addiction!

First of all, I am no MD doctor who tells you the specific and boring terms about the side effects of marijuana.

Instead, I will tell you exactly what I experienced from smoking marijuana. This is from 5+ years of smoking marijuana for almost every single day!

1. You lose motivation!

That's right! I had no motivation to do anything except to wake up and smoke weed. That led me to not have a job for 6 whole months! I was a lazy pot addict who didn't do anything except smoke weed.

2. You get paranoid!

That's right! When you are smoking weed, you become paranoid not because of the drug but also because you are most likely doing something that is illegal! So when you do smoke, you will trip out on whether the guy next to you is an undercover cop. This might sound funny but this is true!

3. You eat too much!

That's right! When you smoke weed with your friends, what do you guys do? You go out to the next convenience store and buy chips, hot dogs, nacho chips, super size drink, some doughnuts, and maybe a double cheesburger.

And oh yeah. Don't foget the candies because people love to chew on candies when they are high. I gained so much weight from smoking weed because it caused me to eat and eat and eat.

4. You lose friends.

Once you get addicted to weed, marijuana becomes your best friend. You don't want to do anything else except to spend time smoking pot all day and all night long.

In essence, smoking weed is wasting and stealing away your life!

Stop smoking and start walking towards the road to 100% freedom from marijuana addiction from the inside out!

To your success,

Bobby Min