The Development of Substance Abuse Addiction and the Means of Recovery

One of the major problems faced by the modern day society is the problem of drug addiction. In fact the point is that not only is the problem related to the illegal drugs but also have equally spread among the prescription drugs as well. In most cases these it has been noted that people are become more victims to the prescription drug addiction rather than the illegal drugs. In this context with the effects of substance abuse addiction people develops an overwhelming and uncontrollable need for the specific drugs or alcohol. And the most astonishing fact is that this urge sometimes becomes so much uncontrollable that people actually cares about nothing else even in the face of negative consequences. This however develops a self-destructive behavior which is real hard to understand. Moreover, it is a well known fact that the effects of substance abuse addiction is not confined to the addicted persons only but also is equally harmful for the family members as well.

Therefore, it is evident that there is no escaping if someone is affected with the substance abuse addiction in the family. In fact the effects of the substance abuse addiction mainly affect the brain. The prolonged use of drugs alters the brain causing long lasting changes to the way it functions or looks. This also interferes with the way of thinking and the ability to control it. It also spreads its influence on the ability of judgment, the control on the behavior, and to feel normal without drugs. These makes the cravings for the drugs more eminent making it more powerful overtime.

However, it has often been noticed that in most cases it starts with the experimentation and out of curiosity. This often is the result of watching others doing it and as an immediate results it helps to erase other problems. And it seems to be that the use of such drugs seems to solve several problems making life better. And this is the provocation in which one gets victimized and the development of addiction advances to the next level. However, it not long before one realizes that the effects of the addiction just only increases the craving for the use of more of it and with every usage the craving increases.

However, it should always be kept in mind that what apparently seems to be the solution to all your problems gradually becomes a necessity and a burden itself and a problem that may cause a lot of hindrances in your daily life. And the best thing that can be done in this respect is to look for some solution that can get you out of this problem. The best help one can get in this respect is the proper drug addiction treatment. In fact the point is that the best addiction treatment is only possible with the proper choice of the drug addiction rehab. The choice of a well experienced drug addiction rehab is the best help one can get to get rid of the addiction problem. But it is essential to choose the right one if you are willing to get the best addiction recovery.

Marijuana Side Effects - Side Effects of Marijuana Abuse & How to Overcome Weed Addiction!

First of all, I am no MD doctor who tells you the specific and boring terms about the side effects of marijuana.

Instead, I will tell you exactly what I experienced from smoking marijuana. This is from 5+ years of smoking marijuana for almost every single day!

1. You lose motivation!

That's right! I had no motivation to do anything except to wake up and smoke weed. That led me to not have a job for 6 whole months! I was a lazy pot addict who didn't do anything except smoke weed.

2. You get paranoid!

That's right! When you are smoking weed, you become paranoid not because of the drug but also because you are most likely doing something that is illegal! So when you do smoke, you will trip out on whether the guy next to you is an undercover cop. This might sound funny but this is true!

3. You eat too much!

That's right! When you smoke weed with your friends, what do you guys do? You go out to the next convenience store and buy chips, hot dogs, nacho chips, super size drink, some doughnuts, and maybe a double cheesburger.

And oh yeah. Don't foget the candies because people love to chew on candies when they are high. I gained so much weight from smoking weed because it caused me to eat and eat and eat.

4. You lose friends.

Once you get addicted to weed, marijuana becomes your best friend. You don't want to do anything else except to spend time smoking pot all day and all night long.

In essence, smoking weed is wasting and stealing away your life!

Stop smoking and start walking towards the road to 100% freedom from marijuana addiction from the inside out!

To your success,

Bobby Min

Drug Rehabilitation Information - How to Treat Drug Addiction

Habitual compulsive over use of certain drugs is drug abuse. Severe complications leading to lots of fatalities result from drug abuse. How to treat drug addiction is what this article is all about.

To start this article let me say first hand that it is not only illegal drugs that are abused by people, prescription or over-the-counter drugs are also commonly abused. Though addictions catches up with most drug abusers, some people abuse drugs for some time without being addicted to them. Some people are most unfortunate to, in addition to drug actions, get down with some terrible adverse side effects.

Drug abuse is usually triggered by emotional instability of the abuser aroused by external influences that could be from friends, relatives or colleagues. Complete derangement of the victim are some of the side effects of drug abuse.

When treating drug abuse effort should be made to determine whether any or all of those influences are present in order to deal with it so that treatment for your drug addiction will be successful. The conditions of drug abusers are not the same , so also are the diagnosis and treatment.

The therapist following the initial interview with the patient should find out enough information to help decide the proper course of treatment to follow, the type of drugs that are suitable, dosage, duration of use, the anticipated effects including side effect. Your social needs should be put into consideration: who should visit and who should be barred. Specialist advise that only very close relatives who are not abusing drugs should be allowed near you while undergoing drug rehabilitation.

Another important factor that you must cooperate with the therapist to identify is your true personality, your spirituality and religion or otherwise. The therapist may also want to know how close your drug supplier to the rehab and who he or she is so that the facility can keep them away from you.

After all the preliminaries have been taken care of, detoxification is the first treatment you begin to receive to remove traces of the drug from your system. Your blood is primarily targeted with detoxification medications to rid them of traces of the drug. Drugs addictions are not like alcohol addiction, which mere abstinence can wean an abuser from it. A lot of work is usually called in rehabilitating a drug abuser. For instance cases if you are being rehabilitated from cocaine or LSD abuse your therapy could include the allowance of Small amounts of the particular, which will continuously be scaled down till you are weaned from its use.

The aim of an inpatient rehab program is to help you stay off drug in a secured environment so that you will completely be relieved of the drug craving and become sober.

Because rehabilitation for drug addiction is not an easy procedure, you should only entrust yourself to a notable rehab center with a track record of successful rehabilitation. A quality rehab center will do more than just wean you from drug abuse, they should be able to completely turn your shattered life around for good.