Addiction - the connection between drugs and the brain

Although most people on the dangers of the drug itself, is a growing problem in society. Addictions are easy to make and difficult to overcome, and because of changes in the brain caused by drugs. If you know someone who might have a drug problem, to understand how addiction can help fight against the problem because they are better prepared to face future challenges.

At the root of addiction is the effect ofmany drugs in the levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with mood swings. Drugs are often paid to trigger an increase in dopamine in the brain reward system of the track, which is a pleasant experience and produce euphoria. But if this happens regularly, the brain begins to change the levels of dopamine in response to artificial bursts of neurotransmitter to normal. Often this is due to changes in the nerve cells so that they become lessdopamine.

With fewer dopamine receptors is not as important for the brain and mood of the person. To increase could get the same response from the person to take the drug. This leads to a viscious cycle, if a person is in constant struggle and its tolerance to the drug to increase the absorption of potentially dangerous levels.

If a person can not, addiction, drugs, or if it is overcome, then it canExperiences withdrawal problems. Because the brain has adapted to a high level of dopamine, the body there is a normal response to natural levels of dopamine, while fewer receptors. This means that the drug is likely to suffer a lack of joy, even if you make love in the global effort.

Difficult as it may be connected to a drug addict in the fight against evil spirits and wishes of the withdrawal, in turn, can lead a normal life, the right of returnTime and support. The brain is at a low level of dopamine, gradually increasing the number of receivers, which means for many addicts respond to damage caused by the drug is not permanent.

Dependence Depression in Adolescents - Adolescents

Addiction is something that is characterized by feelings of intense psychological or physiological dependence. The object of addiction usually has something that people perceive dependence positive, if only briefly. All this may be substances such as snuff or even glue for activities such as social networks or cyber sex. The experiments of the rebellion is so typical of adolescence, but the problem arises whenExperimentation has led to abuse and possibly addiction.

This is a common misconception that violence such as drug addiction is a drug addict. While violence often leads to addiction, it is important to distinguish between the two child abuse. Indicates that the defense is inadequate legal or physiologically, the risk is for the individual and the environment. The rebellious natureThe pressure of adolescents, often in conjunction with the results of peers in adolescents overestimate their tolerance of abuse of substances or activities. This makes young people vulnerable to becoming addicted. There are different forms of dependence, but the most common addiction among young people is the substance.

Some substances such as heroin or methamphetamine is more addictive than others and have a greater impact on the elements rapidly deteriorating physical and psychosocialadolescents. Action on physical findings on adolescent body is still dependent on the substance or structure of tolerance to the substance that is necessary to achieve the same desire. It is usually associated with psychological dependence. That moment that teenagers with the desire for a specific effect caused by the material of choice to overcome the experience. The teenager lost control and self-abuse is overwhelmed by the needMatter.

There is an increased risk of substance abuse and dependence among young people:

Having a family history of substance abuse
You have a bad sense of identity and self-esteem
Lack of motivation and drive to achieve concrete goals for the future
Live in difficult socio-economic
Joining with negative social environments

It 'important to know the signs of the dependence of early diagnosis and adolescents with addictions.Signs that you or someone you know, drug addiction:

Withdrawal or keeping secrets from family and friends
Loss of interest in activities that used to be important
Problems with school work, such as slipping grades or absences
Changes in friendships, like going out with friends who use drugs
The theft or sale of assets to pay for medicines
attempts, the use of drugs or alcohol
Fear, anger or depression
changes in sleeping habits
feeling shaky or sick when trying to stop
changes in eating habits, including weight loss or gain

Finally, it is also important to acknowledge the important role technology plays in the lives of today's teenagers. While substance abuse remain the most common form of addiction, it is crucial to recognise the growing trend among the new generation of teens to become addicted to some form of technology such as texting or social Networks. The same rules apply for addiction, but the difficulty of preventing or eliminating dependence on technology is that life technology were present in all sectors.

As with any addiction is the key support without bias. If you think that addiction, a friend or relative with one, the important thing is not their goal reproachfully. By nature, teenagers are very defensive and accused, she can still drive. Thebetter way to build trust so that he or she feels comfortable discussing the issue openly. First step is to get the teenager to see if they have a problem monitoring the services of a professional counselor or therapist. The most important thing is that addiction is not overcome alone. Requires commitment and dedication to overcoming the difficult task of the adolescent should never have to endure.

Read the full article - A wolf in sheep's clothing

In a recent interview said Stephen Pasierb President and CEO Partnership for a Drug Free America to a prescription medication, such as the new gateway drug. Children and young adults who would not be considered as heroin or prescription drugs for cocaine from becoming dated. Although these drugs can motivate people to drug addiction, drugs and the abuse is very dangerous.

The statistics on prescription drugs> Drug addiction and abuse is enormous. These adolescents and young adults say they would not have drugs in my dreams, but a young five, abuse of prescription drugs, these drugs are for the first time more than illegal drugs, because if more people from falling into temptation of treatment centers for addiction addiction and abuse of prescription and overdose of these drugs outnumbered by poaching.

Until people recognize thatprescription and illicit drugs are equally dangerous - in some cases, these drugs are even worse, is not ready to stop.

Ritalin, for example, students from all parts manufactured in the United States to "improve their approach is very similar to cocaine. You get the same immediate effect - the 'fever' - because otherwise released into the body. But if there ' is, to say the same thing.

prescription painkiller OxyContin is probably the mostDrug addiction is often a pharmaceutical heroin. And 'as addictive and dangerous as one. But do not go directly into a vein, so that it feels like heroin.

Children are among the drugs in a dark alley, or live in a house with mattresses on the floor, they are our children! You are in college, on holiday with his friends Athleten work hard to get something. Prescription drugs and abusereally changed the face of the author or a drug addict.

And, as Mr. Pasierb that drugs are manufactured in a sterile environment, you know what is in them, shall be approved by the FDA, and people from their doctors. Surely it can not be something wrong with them.

Well, it's something very wrong with them. And it is something very wrong with a system - perhaps more than one system - the field of medicine, has betrayed the people it serves.

RecipeDrug addiction and abuse is something that you know. And 'worse than global warming is worse than the war in Iraq is worse than all the other problems we have. These drugs are wolves in sheep.

Learning to teach more, more on this subject, and for those who have a problem using a detoxification center.

borderline personality disorder and the paradoxical relationship

People with a severe form of borderline personality disorder or borderline, are extremely sensitive to any perceived or hint of rejection.

They have no intuition when it comes to relationships and are unable to calm the stress. Then in anger when they believe, often wrongly, that someone has done wrong.

Unfortunately, the person with severe borderline personality disorder so convinced that in addition to damage or leave, are obliged to havebehave in a way that, paradoxically, are provocative and alienation.

In their efforts to manage what you imagine or to prevent the abuse of his betrayal, without realizing exactly the situations they fear most.

Otherwise, nice people and very balanced, in the presence of a reasonable person, frustrated, irrational and provocative towards the BDP. You may find a way of acting, which are very nice.

The personsevere borderline personality disorder is a supernatural gift to bring out the worst in the interaction. This only reinforces the belief that most people injured or disappoint.

Interested severe BPD have a strong desire to return to those who have been attacked, rejection or shame them. Ironically, the victim is doing real damage to the limit in its efforts to punish the criminals called.

Stark affected people are very skilled TLPdamage to those who think they have bad. The other party of anger, perhaps unwittingly play into their hands to answer criticism or rejection, but are often innocent of evil.

In any case, the unfortunate emphasis on the edge of anger in a very unpleasant surprise. Nothing could be done in your life deserve the degree of virulence and persistence of the attacks. The individual is so borderlinefilled with a sense of indignation that distorted their case without limits.

It 's a sad irony that, to protect against someone who suffers from severe borderline personality disorder is often necessary to play right into their hands. Unfortunately, this shows respect for Getting Away With keep your fault.

A person with severe borderline personality disorder is so relentless in their pursuit of "justice" against those whooffended that their victims are often exhausted in their efforts to self-defense. The victim TLP is easy to configure and lawyers accuse the other person the most serious crimes.

Usually people are not prepared to stomach this type of conflict and is often at the individual level is borderline unfair and unreasonable to give in to demands. You want to end the nightmare has just disappeared and that the person angry, irrational.

A normal person outside of the persistent hostility, asUsually try to calm the individual BPD, because he sees no end to the bitterness otherwise. Unfortunately, the victim TLP to add this "triumph" of its growing list of "bad" that is "good."

More placate them, the more severe BPD person is convinced they were right in the first place. However, our choices are not great. If we are with them, we commit ourselves exhausted, and even if we win, the cost was too great in terms ofwaste of time, money and energy.

The victim TLP seems always to have in the world to devote their revenge, that the average person, much to your life pleasant and relaxing as possible.

Until our society is able to recognize, protect us from people with severe personality disorders and the courts, without malicious prosecution, it seems, is against a rapid withdrawal, often safer our best strategy.

(C) Marcia D. Sirota,2010

Free Drug Rehab - Hi Army is the right for you?

For those of us without health insurance and full of good without the means to finance even a stay in rehab, it feels sometimes as if nobody helps you.

Try calling the numbers 1800 on the reference site detoxification and see how quickly it comes to lost interest once the lack of resources! But there are people who will help you find sometimes a bit 'difficult. Free and drug and alcohol rehabs affordable without command impressive salesBudgets, and when they are online tend to be deeply buried.

There are people who'll help you if you want people not matter how much or little money, and you can do a lot of people in the Army to find These Hello.


Hi The Army operates approximately 200 kilos of drugs and alcohol rehabs across the country. These rehabs called ARC, which is found in almost all major cities and in all states. The onlyConditions for admission to a program is willing to help, willing to participate in a Christian recovery program and willingness to work within the organization, while in therapy.

If you can do some of these simple requirements for admission to the Hi Army take to remain in treatment, usually six months or more, and for them this time all the necessary food, clothing, shelter and materials and supply is Free for allYou.

Christian Therapy

first participation in the therapeutic Christian 12, Christian will receive individual counseling, and participate in Bible study and addiction group therapy. work within the organization is a form of therapy and a reduced form of the cost of treatment. Can finance be required to work in one of several stores that offer Army Hello, driving a truck, or have other responsibilities within the organization. Working as a targeted therapyto teach a sense of responsibility, integrity and pride, and also reflects the professional skills and employability.

Residents also have access to training courses and vocational training equivalence in both high school and university level.

If you go elsewhere, and if he can not afford to have a private drug treatment, the army will give a house inch Hello, and a subject that teaches you what you need to know to improve it.

Take theArmy Hello.

Addiction - Introduction

Addiction is centuries is considered the worst problem. Above all, opium, heroin and cocaine were used by medicine, as they used to satisfy his physical desires for many species. , The number of employees is therefore increasing day after day to create many problems. Previously, people try to hide their problems, but now, with better medical care and public education, modern medical treatment canworks very easy. Moreover, these treatments are available at no cost is very high.

Since the disease of addiction is a sacrifice, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, many doctors and experts have classified as a progressive disease that is incurable and can lead to exploitation or death in the absence of institutionalized actions were taken. At this stage, addicts are incompetent and ineffective to stop their actions and return to their normal lifestyle.This act of their families will not be affected, but are completely devastated by drug use continues.

The symptoms of the disease of addiction:

Everyone knows that an addict, it is better to stop using drugs in the best intentions, life. However, once you become addicted, it is difficult to moderate their use. When it comes to control his drug addiction may begin to consume more drugs. Sometimes, you start to consume moreIt 'very difficult for them to check hours. Now the scenario is a disease that is called when the victim lost control of his addiction.

3 factors of Addiction - Changing attitudes

We discussed in a previous installment of this series, such as drug addiction and dependence creates a physical change. In another article, explore, such as drug abuse and addiction and mental abilities change and stability.

But drug abuse and addiction has also changed the attitude of abusers / addicts.

This is part of the negative effects on the lives of addicts and their families.

Most people are aware thatpersonal attitude and drive that makes the difference between a winner and a loser, the difference between those who can buy everything for money, but was sick and another not, but a genuine love of life.

The differences are not financial, not having to do with intelligence, of course. The attitude of the winner is the lucky person who found satisfaction is what leads him through life, watching the most beautiful pages. Not thatThese people do not see the negative, because they choose not to dwell on these negative aspects.

If you are the life of an addict, you have observed to change their attitude towards life. His willingness to work affected. They want to stay home rather than anything with the rest of the family, even things that once were his favorites. mood swings and personality to replace a tired, apathetic and Outlook individuality that defines that person uses.

Thisare signs that the first pole. addicts seeking help, they know it or not. The mood he can to avoid getting direct guidance or other answers, but they are so hard to support their actions.

The withdrawal, which does not agree with the lifestyle drug user with another aspect of this downward spiral of change of attitude.


Shield yourself from using other
Losing links and partners
Its natural groups are drug addicts and those who violate the law

Each detox rehabilitation counselor knows someone who has managed to remove it is very difficult or impossible.

His bad attitude is the result of drugs and involved in drugs, not really the person to themselves talking to you.

Although it may be a professional to reach that person, you must remain calm around him. You are really talking about is what is known aspersonality bio-chemistry. There is little logic in the mind of that person.

Remember, Underneath It All, your son or daughter, whatever, is still there! However frustrating, boring or irritating, are almost at that point, as you can meet and make a difference in duration.

In the end, your help is greatly appreciated!

Oxycodone Addiction

oxycodone addiction occurs when the medication is taken as prescribed for longer. Oxycodone is a narcotic alkaloid and is the most commonly used for postoperative pain. This medicine may be used as a cough medicine if taken in liquid form. This drug is a drug most consumed in the United States and other countries has become. Prescription drugs have replaced many drugs, rising prices and still turn to other usersSources to feed their addiction. Oxycodone can be found at the top of this list is drug abuse.

Oxycodone addiction is well known in the community recovery. There are a large number of relapses were attributed to oxycodone. addicts, the recovery is already running, the drug prescribed for pain because of their addiction, and wakes up if the weather begins to expire, and redemption. The company, which producesOxycodone, Pharma, has been involved in a dispute and has paid millions in fines for deceptive trade practices. Pharmaceutical companies do this kind of medicine ethically and legally bound to protect potential customers, offering comprehensive information and warnings on the label.

The FDA is responsible for distributing prescription drugs and to regulate and classify these drugs can lead to abuse, but the government can notmore.

Ultimately, the responsibility is to educate the person of drugs and have friends or family in their recovery. Detoxification and addiction treatment may be necessary for those struggling to escape from oneself.

Children should avoid the abuse of drugs

In recent decades, many people pay much attention to drug abuse among young people, that day is a serious social problem in this area. The individual and the institution in its efforts to resolve this problem. In 2006, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime are selected drugs are not child's play, "as the theme of the international campaign to raise public awareness to increase the destructive power of drugs and environmental protection policy careThe welfare of children. The latest statistics show that 200 million people, equivalent to 5 percent of the population aged 15-64 have used illicit drugs at least once in the last 12 months. Children with low self-control and discretion are always the victims.

Children of all ages are affected by human trafficking and drug abuse. The street children living in appalling conditions, are vulnerable. The children whose families purchase or sale of illegalSubstances can be victims of drug abuse. These children are vulnerable to abuse are not only bad examples, but the drug to violent behavior associated with it. At school, young people and their peers, are under pressure to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, at first, before trying marijuana.

UNODC anti-drugs campaign, urges adults to protect children. Parents, siblings and other family members must provide a safe environment for children. They must help children to achieverisks associated with drug abuse. teachers and social workers play an important role in solving this problem. You can see the signs and take steps to solve the drug problem. For example, teachers can provide children with information on health risks associated with drug abuse and give them a forum to openly discuss the issue. other individuals and organizations can and should contribute to the protection of children. The mediaNGOs and government institutions are among them.

Drug abuse among young people is not an individual problem but a serious social problem. Each member must make efforts in the fight against them. As a member of society, we must avoid the abuse of drugs, now we must shake hands, substance abuse, people with drug problems.

5 Golden Rules to stop the abuse of crack

Can pass through a slot in order to assist users and issue their trap?

Why not break the drug in the good sense to listen and stop lying all the time? You know what you're doing? Crack abuse trap is an expensive and complex, here's how you can help others to find and get rid of addiction.

The five golden rules to end the abuse of crack

Help them connect with their reality. Learning to see how their actionsaffected people, he loved, is a major step towards rehabilitation. But be prepared to give them a ticket to recovery
To meet their hopes and dreams. The drug is in their illusions. To help you find the right means to achieve their goals, is the first step with reality
Ask them how often they think or dream. You must take control of your thoughts and use a piece of his obsession and compulsion
deep in the brain of waste medicines Lodge. Endtheir desire for cocaine means that drug residues completely from their bodies. no residue of drugs in their
First steps towards personal responsibility to return without taking into caves under the weight of duty. All mining is done in phases. Do you know how to surf the dependence of the other?

Plug the other end the abuse of drugs works best when there are opinions reflected in the recovery plan. Attention thenwork. He apologizes for their behavior medication wait until they overcome their addiction. Drug users need help to overcome their problems. Here are the facts.

Crack offenders must overcome three main obstacles.

Drug desire first two guilt, depression 3

Remember, they need help in their recovery work and to overcome their addiction, guilt and depression.

Awareness and reduce drug abuse reduces the natural ability. Consequently, the recoverybe difficult. An addict needs to increase its capacity to overcome problems of abuse.

crack abuse is no way a way to death in a loss of confidence of the family, madness, crime, and, finally. If people get over a loved one who was mistreated by the crack and the drug is something that the cycle of dependency should be done until the end.

Many believe that cocaine users are under control and can be treated. Thisattitude of trust is a side effect of cocaine - is an illusion created by smoking crack cocaine. We call this denial.

problems caused crack abuse denial

artificial feelings of self-confidence
Increased stress
to create the depletion of adrenal fatigue and weakness
nervous hysteria
temporary toxic psychosis drugs

How to break these barriers to recovery?

First, help others to overcome crack addiction, to includeTo help drug users resist because they are a better solution to their problems. They think that because they are a better solution that you can not. They do not realize that lack of knowledge and skills - so that they are now abusing. addicts need to earn more skill and efficiency.

Drugs do two things

Hiding problems
Shortcuts perception of reality

For example, a person of headache does not want to hear the headache hasor permit does not affect the puzzle for them. Usually, people try to forget, not remember, do something different, etc. In this example, a person, the headaches are headache trying not to experience. The drug, for example, aspirin, not to cure headaches.

Now, compared to aspirin, to abuse and crack house has obtained similar results from a nuclear bomb in your living room of radioactive materials. And 'the effect of a criminal or a crackfamily.

Reducing drugs increase awareness, drug addiction

With the help of others to overcome the abuse of crack, you know you really do not follow the reality - no matter what they say or seem. A person who regularly things in mind other drug abuse, in addition to everyday situations. Need to change, and did not have any in your life or the meaning of situations.

How do you know if you are recovering fromreal
With regard to the possession and control of life situations and to take responsibility for their actions to begin to begin to rebuild their lives. There is an exit, do not know what it is, should help to follow this path.

The "F" word, drug abuse and the causes of war

You wonder why our modern 21st century information age is still struggling with addiction, violence and war? Want the "F" word, that all the personal problems of our world and discover the history and the same question today?

We managed to land on the moon man. Satellite TV on the World Wide Web, and mobile phones have people on the ground closer than ever. Information is available on the Internet, are impressive.Millions of dollars spent on security services. The questions remain: "Why do so many people are still so many things in the home, neighborhood and world power?" "Because the war on drugs is a losing battle?

There is a simple answer? Yes, there! Medical research is our ability to advance the physical causes of disease, to find the prevention and treatment. Have you read the research on the causes of emotional illness, drug abuse, violence and war? ImagineAdvanced our society would be if we spent the same amount of research on research, prevention and treatment of the causes of our emotional problems.

For over 27 years, I found my research and consultancy. I was fascinated to discover that if every child and adult, I asked the same questions, I have received similar responses. Your age, educational level, or religious interests would have been different, but their responses are not. I learned very quickly that could provideThe causes of their problems before going to the office. We are unique, but our basic needs, desires and problems are not.

All people really want and need love, respect and kindness, and I think they are good enough is important, dignified, friendly, attractive and intelligent. Everyone wants to feel that a good man, and deserve health, happiness and success. All these decisions and create positive feelings of high self-esteem. The people of this phase is verySuccess in all areas of their lives because they feel good about themselves.

I also discovered that there are only two main basic emotions, fear and love. All other emotions are based on these two. For example, anger is a secondary emotion. When people are angry, they turn the underlying fear, which can also be described as pain or fainting.

How do you know if you feel fear or love? It 's easy, because the love you feel good and not fear. Compassion, kindness, goodness, secure and proud to love based on emotions. When people experience these positive feelings, not bad, or someone. In fact, it is probably healthy, responsible and peaceful local and global citizens.

Guilt, resentment, greed, shame and insecurity are some of the horrible feelings. People who experience negative feelings and unhealthy, it is likely that the injury or abuse> Dependencies (extreme behaviors that help them avoid painful sensation fears). These people tend to act, his pain on others by harassment, beatings, rapes, physical or emotional. Feared leader and followers is likely to strike and engage in another war.

Unfortunately, children express their fears or cry often cowards and humiliated or punished. Ironically, they learned to hide these feelings are normal, express andFear destructive fury and aggression.

I loved the mixed treatment. After I got off the support group is a man or a woman, people were surprised to see both sexes have the same fears and basic needs. In the process, I developed HART: sweet and rapid evolution, which was quickly able to lead people, the causes of their problems and solve them.

Now, you've probably guessed that the "F" word that violence leads to problems, substance abuse,and war is fear! Since this is not generally known, and we are not taught at school or at home, how to recognize and deal constructively with our emotions founded fear this important causes of our problems and often unnoticed n 'is still unresolved.

Consequently, most people do not deal constructively with their fears. Rather, they develop, their pain to others or themselves, the solution is to love ourselves and of peaceful assembly is too powerful, peace in our homes, neighborhoods will lead,Country and the world. So it happens, it is important for everyone to heal their emotional wounds, have their fears, and to "love themselves to peace" is my work and I believe is the key to health, happiness, success and peace in the world.

Three things that cause addiction?

When it comes to addiction, dependency or have lots of opinions which you disagree. You may know someone, be it marijuana or first hand smoke items, but not to become dependent - can get high once or twice and then not back months and are in order. You can also warned: "If you start, you will not be able to stop and eventually it happened, even the worst of drugs." The problem is that behind thisNot all drugs in the same exact way in question, whether biological, social or psychological. All kinds of factors play into the equation, the result of genetics and personal experience. Some psychologists believe that the results of the dependence of the combination of three things: matter, socio-cultural and individual opportunity.


A substance that is not addictive. If this were true, all Americans drank the sameThe beer became alcoholics. Of course, the risk of dependence on the unique properties of the substance is intended. Heroin is known to be extremely physical dependence and attack quickly. But this is not the case of marijuana. Caffeine and cocaine are stimulants, but its strength is completely different: caffeine, cocaine, which is a fire in the bomb.


The risk of addiction is also a question of individual susceptibility orsensitive. We know that tolerance to alcohol depends on the weight (lighter people need to drink to get drunk) and sex (women process alcohol differently and get drunk faster than men).


The third important factor in determining whether a person is employed, the opportunity is. Taking drugs, should be able to get medicine for his people, they have. Not many people crashed the first time, sitting in his bedroomitself. Instead they do at a party where many people try to have a good time. In this case, it is often curious and want new sensations, which motivates the experience of drug experiences. It is not even taking into account the desire to be like everyone else who is not a child drink fruit juice, while others have already graduated to beer. For some, this is the first time will be the last. For others, it will be a next time, and the next, andothers.