Substance Abuse and Addiction

"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. If I am concerned, is it because I find a person, place, thing or situation - a fact that is unacceptable in my life - for me, and I can find no peace until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as exactly as it should be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake ". - The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous

Nobody starts with a mood drug plan to have aProblem with him. There is still a stigma, a problem with alcohol or other drugs combined, as far as the recovery community is trying to normalize treatment of dependencies. When people begin to experiment, usually as a teenager, first with nicotine, alcohol and marijuana, the problems are something that can only happen. Some people immediately hear if they have problems, start to finish a little later in life, and many die from their addiction.

Addiction can be defined as "ahabitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond voluntary control. "(The American Heritage Dictionary) Many years ago, before the beginning of Alcoholics Anonymous and substance abuse are treated as we know it today, society saw people with addictions as moral failures. This meant that they were morally bad people less. Luckily As we learned more about addiction and recovery, we realized that Addiction is aDisease. A disease is "a pathological condition of a part, organ or an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect or environmental stress, and by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms is identified." This took some of the stigma of addiction and recovery. We have learned that people with addictions like you and I saw. They become even better. You could still live a good life.

The disease is characterized by four SearchesMain components. These include: 1 Craving: A strong need or compulsion, the use of 2 Loss of control: The inability to restrict the use of every opportunity. 3. Physical dependence: Withdrawal symptoms occur when alcohol or other drugs after a period of serious and will be completed 4th Tolerance: The need to use larger quantities to be high.

My working definition of alcohol or other drugs need professional help if your one or more areas will be affected,Your life negatively. Note that it is not how much or how often they used alcohol or other drugs. Someone can drink every day, and have no negative impact on their lives.

It is a quick test I like to give it when people think that it may be alcohol or other drugs is a problem. It uses the acronym CAGE:

C: Did you ever feel that you need to reduce your alcohol and / or drug use?
A: Have people ever annoyed you in your life and / or criticized for Us Alcohol / drugs?
G: Do you have a bad conscience or guilt about your drinking?
E: Have you ever had a drink / drugs first thing in the morning calm (eye opener) your nerves or get rid of your hangover?

It's short, simple, and if affirmative, to one of the questions you might have a problem with alcohol or other drugs. Going to a Licensed Alcohol / Drug Counselor (Ladce) or Going to a recovery center, you see through it more. They will help you understand what> Addiction is, how it has affected your life, and assist you with anything to do about that. The mind, body and mind have an enormous capacity to heal. Recovery occurs.