Drug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse - The 9 Underlying Causes and 2 Major Reasons They Abuse Drugs

What are the underlying causes of drug and alcohol abuse? And why do you need to know? If you're trying to solve a drug or alcohol abuse problem, wouldn't it be a good idea to find out first what's causing it? Obvious question right, well maybe not so. Perhaps knowing about the cause to drug abuse is the first step to solving the problem.

Drug and alcohol abusers were all born with various degrees of abilities and inabilities. The less able drug or alcohol abuser are the more dependent they became.

An easy example to show is with children. In their early age, they're unable to cook, or work for a living. Therefore they depend on their parents to survive.

As children grow, they learn new skills, and as a result, become less dependent on their parents.

The more able children become in dealing with challenges in life, relationships, and work, the less dependant on their parents they become.

Another simple example is an injured person who just broke his leg and is temporarily dependent on crouches until he or she regains their ability to walk.

The problem with alcohol and drug abusers is they lack some natural abilities that are basic and essential to succeeding in life.

Some or all of the hidden causes of addiction fit into one of these 9 situations.

Drug And Alcohol Abusers Have Difficulties With:

PROBLEMS they can't solve, often the problems multiply when they take drugs. Many have unresolved internal conflicts.

Sometimes, family, friends, the police or doctors need to step in to help them out.

PAIN - They aren't able to tolerate disappointment, pain and upset. They immediately try to block out painful feelings and sensations
Trust: They aren't able to be trusted and many don't trust themselves
Promises, they aren't able to keep their word once given and have difficulty following through on promises
Self Esteem: They're unable to be themselves and express themselves easily
Memory, they have difficulties remembering things and often forget
Luck, they seem to have awfully BAD luck
Goals, they seem unable to reach their goals and give up on their true goals
Truth, they have a hard time telling the truth

If a loved one fits into all of these categories, pay attention as you'll need a program of recovery to save their lives before it's too late.

Here are the 2 major reasons people use drugs:

To Ease pain
To Avoid problems

Many addictions follow accidents, failures, breakups, losses of self respect, giving up on life goals, job problems, . .. . The list goes on. What is common to all these pains and problems is the ABSENCE OF a better solution and an inability to resolve the original problem. Factually, what's missing was a real accessible solution to the problem in the first place.