Recognize the signs of drug abuse and addiction

Drug abuse and addiction, including addiction to alcohol leads to health and social problems, accidents and injuries, physical dependence y. Should recognize the signs of addiction is very important. Of course, none of them - are dependent on drugs and alcohol education, particularly in the admissibility of evidence

There are many warning signs of a person if, by chance, someone who drinks too much and alcohol abuse and theft suspectsanother substance. These signs of drug abuse and addiction can not even present at all, but the recognition of two or more of them, then it's time, people or a friend who loved to break the addiction.

A common symptom of a person suffering from drug abuse and drug addiction is often drink alcohol, limit the maximum amount for this. After two glasses regularly, but it certainly is dedicated to five drinks a day actually compromise health risks. The reasonBehind it is quite obvious, is the substance of all alcoholics and addicts of alcohol, more than two drinks to take just to satisfy their appetite. Later, becoming dependent on alcohol.

Since the person suffering from alcohol dependence is often alcohol consumption increases the effectiveness of alcohol. Most alcoholics lose interest in work and school. They begin to neglect their responsibilities and more time in drinking water. If a comparisonby the parent or spouse of the person to deny or hide their drinking habits.

It 'hard dependency, the signs of drug abuse and how to hide and act, there is no problem. The more a person thinks suspicion of alcohol consumption habits, is the most to hide. If the dependency is not treated, will lead to further problems and other serious illnesses. So people should do both family and friends a bit 'of alcoholIntervention to persuade drug users.

These signs of addiction requires immediate treatment. A person suffering from withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is out of range for some time. He could shake a bit 'of experience, you feel anxious and depressed. Some withdrawal symptoms are life - threatening, such as hallucinations, convulsions and delirium tremens.

Should recognize the signs of drug abuse and addiction is real and substantialFamily members and friends must part with him. The ability to recognize signs of drug abuse and addiction in the family or friends at an early stage is of great help for the immediate treatment and faster recovery.