The "F" word, drug abuse and the causes of war

You wonder why our modern 21st century information age is still struggling with addiction, violence and war? Want the "F" word, that all the personal problems of our world and discover the history and the same question today?

We managed to land on the moon man. Satellite TV on the World Wide Web, and mobile phones have people on the ground closer than ever. Information is available on the Internet, are impressive.Millions of dollars spent on security services. The questions remain: "Why do so many people are still so many things in the home, neighborhood and world power?" "Because the war on drugs is a losing battle?

There is a simple answer? Yes, there! Medical research is our ability to advance the physical causes of disease, to find the prevention and treatment. Have you read the research on the causes of emotional illness, drug abuse, violence and war? ImagineAdvanced our society would be if we spent the same amount of research on research, prevention and treatment of the causes of our emotional problems.

For over 27 years, I found my research and consultancy. I was fascinated to discover that if every child and adult, I asked the same questions, I have received similar responses. Your age, educational level, or religious interests would have been different, but their responses are not. I learned very quickly that could provideThe causes of their problems before going to the office. We are unique, but our basic needs, desires and problems are not.

All people really want and need love, respect and kindness, and I think they are good enough is important, dignified, friendly, attractive and intelligent. Everyone wants to feel that a good man, and deserve health, happiness and success. All these decisions and create positive feelings of high self-esteem. The people of this phase is verySuccess in all areas of their lives because they feel good about themselves.

I also discovered that there are only two main basic emotions, fear and love. All other emotions are based on these two. For example, anger is a secondary emotion. When people are angry, they turn the underlying fear, which can also be described as pain or fainting.

How do you know if you feel fear or love? It 's easy, because the love you feel good and not fear. Compassion, kindness, goodness, secure and proud to love based on emotions. When people experience these positive feelings, not bad, or someone. In fact, it is probably healthy, responsible and peaceful local and global citizens.

Guilt, resentment, greed, shame and insecurity are some of the horrible feelings. People who experience negative feelings and unhealthy, it is likely that the injury or abuse> Dependencies (extreme behaviors that help them avoid painful sensation fears). These people tend to act, his pain on others by harassment, beatings, rapes, physical or emotional. Feared leader and followers is likely to strike and engage in another war.

Unfortunately, children express their fears or cry often cowards and humiliated or punished. Ironically, they learned to hide these feelings are normal, express andFear destructive fury and aggression.

I loved the mixed treatment. After I got off the support group is a man or a woman, people were surprised to see both sexes have the same fears and basic needs. In the process, I developed HART: sweet and rapid evolution, which was quickly able to lead people, the causes of their problems and solve them.

Now, you've probably guessed that the "F" word that violence leads to problems, substance abuse,and war is fear! Since this is not generally known, and we are not taught at school or at home, how to recognize and deal constructively with our emotions founded fear this important causes of our problems and often unnoticed n 'is still unresolved.

Consequently, most people do not deal constructively with their fears. Rather, they develop, their pain to others or themselves, the solution is to love ourselves and of peaceful assembly is too powerful, peace in our homes, neighborhoods will lead,Country and the world. So it happens, it is important for everyone to heal their emotional wounds, have their fears, and to "love themselves to peace" is my work and I believe is the key to health, happiness, success and peace in the world.